How To Setup a Facebook Pixel Like a Pro

How To Setup a Facebook Pixel Like a Pro

The Facebook Pixel, also known as Meta Pixel, is a piece of code that tracks and collects data on user activity on your website for optimizing and personalizing ads. Setting up your Facebook Pixel can be a piece of cake with the right steps! The place to start? We’ll lead the way…

3 Best Practices For Social Media Marketing on Any Platform

3 Best Practices For Social Media Marketing on Any Platform

3 Best Practices For Social Media Marketing on Any Platform by Connor Zielinski | Jun 24, 2022 Brands, both big and small, are utilizing social media. Those that aren’t are quickly forgotten about and brands that lack a social media presence are often overlooked. With...
Men in Kilts Increase Facebook Page Reach By 100%+ and Generate Over 100 Job Candidates With Franchise Social Media Marketing

Men in Kilts Increase Facebook Page Reach By 100%+ and Generate Over 100 Job Candidates With Franchise Social Media Marketing

In a 90-day franchise social media marketing pilot program, SocialMadeSimple became the social media team for four Men In Kilts franchise locations with the goal of driving a consistent flow of leads in the form of sales and qualified job candidates. Through the success of their advertising campaigns and custom content, today, we are the preferred social media vendor for Men In Kilts! See how we helped Men In Kilts drive real results.