The 2021 Hiring Process: Top Factors To Consider

Feb 12, 2021 | Business Best Practices

Not sure where to begin when hiring an employee? HR Generalist, Smily Sharma, gives an inside look into the key steps of the hiring process & essential tips for all employers to consider. Having a clear understanding of the role’s responsibilities, identifying the value that your business and the candidate can provide for one another, and more!

Watch the full interview on The SocialMadeSimple Show Episode 12

“When those applications do come in, my goal is to see not only if this person has the basic requirements, but also to really catch a glimpse of their personality.”

Smily: I think it’s very important for us to not just know what value they bring to our organization, but also what value we can bring to them. There are a million different companies out there, why are they going to choose SocialMadeSimple? 


Transition – The Hiring Process: Top Factors To Consider


Smily: With COVID-19, everything has to be done online and for me, I’m very much of a people-person and I like to have that office interaction. That’s how you really get to know everybody, meet them, and really show them around. I think that really helps build the image of the company as well as make you think, “this is a place I want to come to work”. Being remote all the time has kind of stripped that away entirely, so it’s definitely new. Definitely different. What I like to do when it comes to hiring, is first, talk to the hiring manager to understand what the full responsibilities are going to be like. What kind of experience we’re looking for, what background, what employees would potentially like to welcome to the company and setting up that job description afterward.


When those applications do come in, my goal is to see not only if this person has the basic requirements, but also to really catch a glimpse of their personality. Getting a sense of their personality past online or the phone interview. Send that back to the hiring managers, and then they are the ones who really ask the more in-depth questions about their experience and what workload they bring. I think it’s very important for us to not just know what value they bring to our organization, but also what value we can bring to them.


There are a million different companies out there, why are they going to choose SocialMadeSimple? That really needs to be highlighted as well so the person then does feel welcome and think, “okay this is the place I want to grow”. As I said, it is hard to do that right now with covid but definitely always striving for that!