Do I Really Need Social Media For SEO?

Do I Really Need Social Media For SEO?

Social media is an often overlooked and undervalued avenue for increasing traffic to your website for your business. But the right social media plan can drastically increase your search engine optimization. Learn how social media relates to search engine optimization.

Does My Health Care Business Need Social Media?

Does My Health Care Business Need Social Media?

If you’re in the health care industry and you’re trying to decide if it’s worth investing time and resources into developing a social presence, the answer is simple: YES. Check out our post for tips, tricks, and recommendations on how to start…

What is Facebook Engagement & Why Does It Matter?

What is Facebook Engagement & Why Does It Matter?

Facebook engagement is an umbrella term that describes any action someone takes on your Facebook page or post. There’s a whole slew of actions that individuals can take on someone’s Facebook page or post; so let’s dive into a few of the most popular types!

LinkedIn Business as Another Tool to Reach Customers

LinkedIn Business as Another Tool to Reach Customers

Facebook is king, but don’t sleep on LinkedIn! A LinkedIn business page serves as a powerful tool for your business to reach its consumers through social media marketing. Give using LinkedIn for business a try and watch as you effectively increase brand exposure and expand your customer base.

The Growing Importance of Multi-Locational Marketing for Franchises

The Growing Importance of Multi-Locational Marketing for Franchises

One of the most difficult aspects of managing social media and digital marketing for a vast network of franchises is maintaining corporate-approved messaging while conveying the message in a localized voice and tone. At SocialMadeSimple, we offer a unique blend of automated and handcrafted social media content and ads that we can deliver to your franchisees so they can maintain brand integrity and your desired messaging while maintaining a genuinely local voice. Read on to learn more!

Social media for real estate websites

Social media for real estate websites

Customer: Local Real Estate Agent
Industry: Real Estate
The challenge: Driving people to two separate websites
The solution: Switch from Facebook Ads for Likes to Ads for Website Clicks
The results: Showing ads to over 4,000 people at less than $1 per click