2 Biggest Misconceptions About Social Media Marketing in the Real Estate Industry

Social Media Marketing in the Real Estate Industry

Why Social Media Marketing in the Real Estate Industry Shouldn’t Be Ignored

The primary marketing goal for any real estate agent is to reach a massive audience of clients in need of their services. Social media marketing creates an affordable, effective, and sustainable channel for real estate agents to get in front of the people they’re looking for, in the locations they want. Facebook alone has nearly two billion daily active users. Real estate agents can leverage tools to reach clients where they already are – Social media.  

To help break down two of the most commonly heard misconceptions about social media marketing in the real estate industry, Justlisted.social’s Product Specialist – Dan Black, backs up why all eyes are on social media marketing in the real estate industry. 

Myth #1: Social Media is For Mindless Content

It’s common to believe that social media can’t drive leads. Some believe it’s just a place for random pieces of content that look professional to present your brand as “active” on social. Let’s take Facebook, for example. You can, not only deliver ads to a hyper-targeted audience, but you can design those ads to generate a qualified lead directly through Facebook. I’m referring to a lead generation ad campaign. Seriously, social media marketing works! Don’t take our word for it – See how social media advertising has driven a consistent flow of leads for several agents in our Real Estate Social Media Marketing Case Study

Myth #2: Successfully Running a Facebook Business Page is the Same as a Personal Facebook Profile

Using social media to market your business is no simple job. There are constant moving parts, evolving trends, and strategies to be built out. Simply having a Facebook profile does not provide enough expertise to successfully execute a social media marketing strategy. Whether you go in-house or outsource to an agency, save yourself time to actually focus on the business and leave your social marketing in the hands of a team you can trust to make the right decisions for the best results. Finding the right digital marketing agency can be hard but once you find an affordable agency that fits your needs, you will quickly see your digital marketing at its fullest potential. 

With SocialMadeSimple, for example, you get the beauty of affordable services all together under one price – Dedicated content & advertising team plus access to a proprietary social marketing platform (SocialModo). 

Video Transcript

Dan: When you come to a team like us, we’ve been doing it for ten years, this is what we do, we’re good at it, and we have awesome tools and technology that we use to generate these leads. I think those are the two main misconceptions that I’ve gathered in my almost two years doing this: SocialMadeSimple and JLS.

Transition: Biggest Misconception About Social Media Marketing in the Real Estate Industry

Ryan: What do you think is the biggest misconception that individuals in the real estate industry have about real estate social media marketing?

Dan: That’s a really good question and I think my answer is the same across all industries, not just the real estate industry. I think most people who aren’t as involved in social media in a professional capacity get the sense of two things. One, they think social media is just kind of fluff, filler content that you put out on a Facebook page, they show you someone is monitoring the Facebook page, active on the site. You know when you come across a brand that hasn’t posted since 2016 and then you know that obviously no one’s home. So people think it’s a good filler or for answering questions and stuff, but in reality, it’s a super powerful advertising medium that you can serve ads exactly to your desired audience; which if you take a step back and think about it, it’s massive!

Who doesn’t have a Facebook page?! Everyone has a Facebook page!

The audience is there, the targeting mechanisms are there; I think it really is the perfect tool to power your business. In order to use Facebook, you have to have a profile that’s verified with contact information: an email address and sometimes a phone number. So you’re not just serving ads to people searching Google, who can stay anonymous or stay unknown.

The last common misconception about social media that I like to point out is that because so many people have personal Facebook pages and personal Instagram pages, they get a false sense of expertise on the platform as it relates to actual advertising. Most people can write posts, post articles, and post updates on a business if you’re running a sale, stuff like that. But to actually and effectively target people through the advertising tools that exist, you have to have some sense of expertise that’s legitimate there and professional in a sense.


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