Get To Know the Role of Our Client Success Managers

Get To Know SocialMadeSimple

Every business is unique – Its goals, marketing history, all of it! That’s why our Client Success Managers are ready to listen, learn, & dive into all the strategic ways to build success. Andrew Seraphin shares the way our CSM’s provide our clients with strategy, support, & guidance 💡.

“The biggest part of my job is listening to the client, understanding what their needs are, & trying to package that up in something that is impactful for their business.”

Ryan: I know that going into our Client Success Manager role, a lot of our clients really look to you for guidance throughout their entire program. So walk us through that and why it’s so important!

Andrew: Yeah! I think the biggest part of it, Ryan, is that every business is completely and totally unique. Their history, what they’ve done with marketing, what they haven’t done with marketing, what they know, what they don’t know, what their appetite for being guided is, what their appetite for communication is, etc. It’s brilliant at SocialMadeSimple because we’re so customized and we try to accommodate all of those different variables with the clients. 

So a big part of it is just learning and listening. Part of my job, and what I enjoy most about it, is getting in there, especially with those early-on concierge accounts, and learning: 

  • What their history is 
  • What their goals are
  • What they want to achieve
  • What’s the road to success they want to see for their company

It’s all about trying to figure out the best logistical way to do all of that. For me, the biggest part of my job is listening to the clients and understanding what their needs are, and trying to package that up in something that is impactful for their business. Also, doing it as quickly as possible. Not every business has the capacity or ability to do a three-year marketing plan. A lot of businesses today are just going one month at a time and just trying to stay above water and generate enough business to see that next month. So we strategize in an efficient way so that we can help them get as much success as possible in the short-term so that it builds, and builds, and builds.