4 Layers of Instagram Funnels

by Andrew Jerome 

4 Layers of Instagram Funnels

The ad funnel concept stands over a century in age. Originally designed by S.T. Elmo Lewis way back in 1891, the funnel concept was made to highlight the thoughts of potential customers. Lewis’s funnel demonstrates the process of those reacting to an advertisement. Descending through four layers, each one filtering out individuals until the ones who remain are most likely to take action on the ad.

First, the ad must capture the Attention of the audience, bringing awareness of the product’s or service’s existence. From those who stay, the Interest layer requires continuous interest from the viewer to learn more. As the incurious leave, the Desire layer will need to ensure the attentive audience wants to benefit from and obtain the product. At the bottom of the funnel, the Action stage ensures that everyone who passed through will take steps to engage with the product. Lewis’ model of moving an audience along these four layers is dubbed the AIDA model. More importantly, it is applicable for advertising along Instagram Funnels.

For such an old marketing concept that predates the radio, it holds true for the internet age. Since its inception, the AIDA model has been applied to everything from newspapers, to door-to-door sales, to political theory. Today, we at SocialMadeSimple are going to help you apply it to Instagram.

1. Awareness

For a customer to enter your sales funnel, they have to receive an advertisement in the first place. After all, can the customer react if they don’t know the product even exists? In the pre-internet world, you needed luck to have those potential customers walk past a meticulously designed poster or catchy television jingle. Luckily, the world of Instagram offers many more options. Breakthrough the commotion of the user’s scrolling feed with a promoted ad, tailored to their demographic. Collaborate with influencers that possess the desired audience of your product. Utilize hashtags so that the user can stumble upon your page. Create highly shareable content, employing your existing followers as an additional way to share your content. The goal is to get those ads out everywhere, casting wide and throwing deep. The more witnessed your ad is, the more potential customers will move onto…

4 Layers of Instagram Ad Funnels, I was not aware of that

2. Interest

Now that the user knows of your product, you’ll want to teach them about it. Furthering the previous layer, hold the attention of the users and inform them of the use, benefits, unique traits, and potential of the product. Often times, you can accomplish this with similar methods as the first layer. For example, you can share what makes your product so radically different from the competition. Have resources available for those pursuing additional information. Importantly, don’t overwhelm the audience with too many details. Every group and product will have its qualities that will differentiate it from another, meaning that each will work differently in order to flame…

4 Layers of Instagram Ad Funnels, I got questions

3. Desire

After the previous two layers, the only people left are those with the possibility of engaging with the product. The task here is to clinch the deal and sell it to the viewers. Although the audience is now aware of the product’s qualities, they might still be on the fence about moving forward. Identify what your market ultimately wants out of such a product and capitalize on that desire. Again, every situation is unique, so each pitch will be unique too. Move the audience from “I like it” to “I want it.” Without any actual yearning for what you are selling, the audience will never take…

4 Layers of Instagram Ad Funnels, mighty need

4. Action

The bottom of the funnel empties out those who will engage and puts aside those who will not. Anyone making it past layer three definitely has enthusiasm for the product, so make it easy for them to take action. Meanwhile, consider incentives for the audience as well. Add a coupon or discount to push the buyer over the finish line. How about a free trial? Just a nudge is needed to move them toward that final choice.

4 Layers of Instagram Ad Funnels, give it to me gif
The beauty of the AIDA funnel is in how it not only succeeds as a design guide but benefits as an introspective tool. Much like any other advertising, Instagram ads are reiterative and change with the times. AIDA’s techniques mean that, even if the exact outcome isn’t as expected, analysis can determine what might have gone wrong on each layer. When applying the model to Instagram funnels, future success can occur by examining past results.

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