The True Value of Maintaining Brand Consistency

Oct 27, 2020 | Social Marketing Best Practices

Hayley Kinne, SocialMadeSimple’s Strategic Program Manager, sits down with Business Development Associate, Ryan Chiasson, to share a tip all business owners should consider for growing a brand successfully through social media advertising: maintaining brand consistency.

“There is one component of social media advertising that never changes and probably will never change; and that is brand consistency.”

Hayley: One thing I want to make note of, though, is that there is one component of social media advertising that never changes and probably will never change; and that is brand consistency.


Transition: The True Value of Brand Consistency with Hayley Kinne


Hayley: No matter what you’re doing, what you’re putting out there, how much your advertising, how much you’re spending, what networks are on. As long as your brand is consistent, you are meeting the minimum standard for your social presence. Making sure that your messaging is consistent, your imagery is consistent; down to tight consistency and color scheme consistency. If you are putting out a lot of different messages and images that aren’t consistent with your brand and your target audience and your overall brand goals, you’re not going to be successful in social and that’s something that has not changed and, like I said before, will not change in my professional opinion.


So that’s always top of mind for me. It’s top of mind in terms of how we actually scale our programs and how we fulfill our programs. And it’s actually one of the things that draws a lot of customers towards us. We are able to successfully manage brand consistency at a very high level and a very large scale.