-By Robin Greenbaum-

What type of lead generation will you get more bang for your buck? Yes, Google PPC ads are easier to measure for ROI, but they’re not the most affordable option. Paid social is where a lot of marketers are spending their marketing budgets. This year, it is estimated that Facebook will receive 31% of U.S. advertisers display ad budget, increasing its lead over runner-up Google, which is projected to get 14% of that pie. In 2015 alone, Facebook ad revenue reached 17 billion US dollars. With all the ad types that Facebook now has, it is hard to determine which one will get you the results you want. We took the guess work for you and ran some tests comparing Google PPC ads, Facebook traditional ads, and one of their newest ad types, Lead Ads (learn more about them here). Take a look at the surprising results we found!



Now that you’ve seen the evidence, we hope you take some time to explore what Lead Ads can do for your business! Need help, our Social Concierge service can do it for you!