Social Media Communications

by | Sep 18, 2014

Social Media Communications

Customer: Communications company
Industry: Marketing & HR
The Challenge: Awareness for new program
The Solutions: Social campaigns and program success stories.
The Results: Successful launch of new program with multiple sign ups

For about a year, we have been working with a communications company. As part of our regular services, we coordinate their social media strategy, create engaging content, and also run social and email marketing campaigns on their behalf. Recently, they decided that they wanted to launch a new program that provided free communications training and resources to nonprofits as a way to give back to the communities that have helped to make them successful. Naturally, they turned to us to help them get this new program off the ground by creating awareness and generating excitement prior to its scheduled launch date. Our challenge was to find fun and exciting ways to promote the program while also helping to facilitate signups for the initial launch.

Social Media CommunicationsPrior to beginning any of our marketing efforts, we had several conversations with our client to devise a timeline of activities. They informed us when they would like to launch the program, and from there, we worked together to formulate an appropriate schedule of social media posts and campaigns. Our initial step was to create an email campaign for the program and to send it to their existing contacts in order to lay the groundwork for future promotions. As a result, we were able to successfully reach several thousand connections, which we tracked using our analytics.

Simultaneously while running the email marketing campaign, we began implementing our social media promotion as well. For those that the email did not reach, we tried to connect with our client’s social media followers by creating engaging posts about the new program in addition to providing links about how to sign up. We continued in this manner for a month’s time before the launch.

When the program finally went live, our client reported that it had received numerous inquiries and signups. To continue to help with promotional efforts, we also created multiple social media posts about the initial recipients of the program and shared their nonprofit’s story online. Since its inception, the program has helped several nonprofits and is always on the lookout for more signups. To ensure high levels of interest, we sporadically market their program still through email campaigns and social media posts.

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