Improving Remote Company Culture 101: Employee Recognition

Jan 29, 2021 | Business Best Practices, Get To Know SocialMadeSimple

Human Resources Generalist, Smily Sharma, shares a piece of the secret to improving a remote company culture… employee recognition! Learn about SocialMadeSimple’s new performance management system & what key areas of your business to focus on to achieve a strong remote company culture.

“You can have all the technology & perks in the world but at the end of the day, if your employees don’t know that they’re appreciated or you don’t make it known, it doesn’t send a good message.”

Smily: They have continued to work and continue to provide results. You can have all the technology and perks in the world but, at the end of the day, if your employees don’t know that they’re appreciated or you don’t make it known, it doesn’t send a good message. I think that’s primarily one of the reasons why people try to look elsewhere, the fancy laptops can only get you so far!


Transition: Improving Remote Company Culture 101: Employee Recognition


Smily: I think the biggest thing is that is an ongoing process that still is really implementing that performance management. I think having those clear goals and recognition for everyone to know this is what they have to do to succeed. And I think everyone wants that! 

Everyone wants to grow at a company, you don’t want it just to be a stepping stone for a job and then you’re moving on. I know for a fact that we don’t want that either. So definitely the performance management of it, and recognition. Like I said yesterday, we are going to start trying out that new reward recognition program and see how it goes. So I won’t say too much, since it just started! But I think putting those things in place will definitely help us, not just for 2021, but in the long term!