Get to Know Our CEO, David Black

Jul 30, 2020 | Get To Know SocialMadeSimple

David Black talks with Business Development Associate, Ryan Chiasson, about his background and journey to becoming SocialMadeSimple’s Chief Executive Officer and co-founder.

“I decided to give it a shot and 27 years later, had a pretty successful career.”

Ryan: So I think a great place to start would be just to give a brief overview of SocialMadeSimple and your background and how everything got started.

David: Sure, so I came from a mathematics degree at the University of Vermont which I put to some use in my first job as a mortgage loan processor, at which I made $11,000/ year and I thought that was more money than God at that point in my life. I was pretty happy. I pretty quickly evolved into an underwriter at a little bit of a bigger company within 6 months and I was making loan decisions. Within 18 months of that, I began to think about going out on my own. I had probably been one of the few humans who had ever read the Fannie Mae manual, so I kind of knew the ins and outs more than most people did, certainly more than most of the loan officers I was working with at that point. Then I decided in April of 1987 to go give it a shot; and 27 years later, I had a pretty successful career and a really enjoyable time with a lot of great people.