Artificial Intelligence Is Driving Creativity In Marketing

Artificial Intelligence In Marketing

It’s no secret that artificial intelligence (A.I.) has and will continue to shape the personal and professional world. Tech giant Amazon recognizes this inevitable change and is investing heavily to train and retain its current employees. (Take a closer look at Amazon’s future plansOn the other hand, Tesla’s CEO Elon Musk voiced his concerns about this trend when he proposed that, “A.I. is a fundamental risk to the existence of human civilization.”

No matter what side of the fence you are on, it’s clear that the A.I. revolution is only beginning. Read on to learn how this is changing the marketing world.


What Tools Can You Use To Step-Up Your Marketing Game? 


Artificial intelligence tools to help with computer marketing. Laptop, tablet, phone, and keyboard.


  • Image Recognition Technology 

According to The Verge, new facial recognition tools are already being used to track accounts across different social networks, allowing for more accurate attribution models and targeted campaigns. This image recognition software cross-references names and profile pictures in order to compile a comprehensive list of your targeted audiences. By having access to all of your audiences’ profiles, it allows for an expedited buyers journey at a reduced cost per acquisition (CPA). 

  • Post Engagement Monitoring

Marketers are not only gaining valuable insights into their audiences, but also the types of media that resonate with them and what platforms their content performs best on. By monitoring engagement, you can track which content receives a high volume of comments, likes, shares or saves.

Whether it’s recognizing that videos on Facebook generate a lot of shares or that Instagram pictures receive more engagement than video, there has never been a better time to create targeted marketing collateral.  

  • Website Analytics

By implementing powerful tracking tools on your website, you can collect an array of useful information. Analytics tools like HubSpot and Google Analytics are both great options for capturing customers’ data. These tools can help you understand who is looking at your website, how they arrived at your website, and what they are doing once they’re there. These powerful insights can fuel your strategists to come up with creative solutions to optimize the website experience and more!

  • Media Monitoring

As you know, listening to your current and potential customers is vital to the life of a business. Understanding your customer base can improve your product, customer service, and help you attract new buyers. With social media, this has never been easier! There are powerful social listening tools like Awario and Mention that can help you track, manage and analyze what people are saying about your company, products, or services. With these tools, listening to your customers just got a lot easier – now, it’s time to put on your creative hat and come up with solid responses. 


Want in on the future of marketing? Here’s how to get started:


All of this information makes it easier for media planners and digital buyers to know exactly where to deploy their dollars. 

Once we know what performs well, and how and where to serve it, the task of coming up with fresh and creative content becomes much more valuable, because come on who needs an analyst when an algorithm can do it for you? Until we can develop artificial general intelligence that has the desire to learn and create, the value of creativity will only continue to rise. 

Back to the future. Artificial Intelligence Is Driving Creativity In Marketing.

  1. Utilize these tools

First of all, if you are not utilizing social media to market your business, it is utterly irresponsible. Additionally, if you are not taking advantage of the vast array of analytical and programmatic tools available, you are doing your company a disservice. 


  1. Get creative

Now that we know how important creativity is and how important it will continue to be, do something about it! Sit down with your team for weekly brainstorming sessions. Incentivize creativity, put yourself in new situations, and make sure you’re actively working to come up with original ideas. Scientific research on freestyle rap has demonstrated that the creative regions of our brains are only activated when frequently used parts of our brains aren’t being used. If you’re not growing, you’re dying! 


  1. Ask for help

Don’t have the time or resources to create your own content? Fear not. We are a social media marketing agency with a robust team of in-house Content Specialists. If you’re interested in learning how our agency can help grow your business or brand by creating engaging and customized content, please fill out the form below, or give us a call at 617-860-2270 – we look forward to hearing from you!

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